07 May 2019

M'AR De AR News

The barrística (modeling or sculpture of figurative in clay) is a branch of the pottery with deep traditions in Portugal.

If, on the one hand, the origins of certain expressions of the popular imagination - such as the Galo de Barcelos or the phallic lobster of Caldas - are lost in the times, the Portuguese traditional barrística schools, which still work today, from Caldas da Rainha, Barcelos or Estremoz, founded strong foundations since the 18th century, especially from the beginning of the representation of the Crib, by Italian influences, by the height of the construction of the Convent of Mafra Palace.

Many contemporary Portuguese artists explore new expressions in this continuity.

Tiago Cabeça is one of the most awarded, artist and national craftsman, in this art form.

Aldeia da Terra - Aldeia da cariata de Portugal, besides being classified as Cultural Interest by the Ministry of Culture, is a tribute to this centenary Portuguese art, in the form of a comic strip in clay in three dimensions.

Sensitive, irreverent and full of good humor, born eight years ago as an open-air sculpture garden originally in Arraiolos, this unique and magnificent village is now in Evora, a world heritage city, to delight all who visit it, open to the public 365 days a year, between 10am and 6pm, and the artists are always on the scene to work live, caricatures and other orders.

Aldeia da Terra 
São Manços Street, 19
7000-932 Évora
(Near Sé Catedral)

Telef: (+351)266746049
Email: oficinadaterra@gmail.com 